Undergraduate Program

The Undergraduate Program enrolls 53 senior high school graduates. In principle, this program enrolls 8 students via Star Plan, 20 students via admission by recommendation and screening, and 25 students via Advanced Subjects Test. If the Star Plan and admission by recommendation and screening fail to enroll the target number of students, the remaining quota will be allocated to the Advanced Subjects Test.
For students applying for admission via Star Plan and admission by recommendation and screening, the admission is determined by the scores of Chinese, English, and social science in the General Scholastic Ability Test. For students applying for admission via the Advanced Subjects Test, the admission is determined by the scores of Chinese, English, history, civic science, and social science.
If there are any changes to the enrollment quotas and examination subjects, the enrollment brochure for that academic year will take precedence.
This program also enrolls foreign students and overseas Chinese students from Hong Kong and Macao. Those who apply for this admission to this program must have a good level of Chinese reading and speaking skills in order to understand the teaching content of the law courses.